
Joyful Everythang!

One Of Her-Kind

 If you’re looking for ways to improve your life and make the most of your opportunities, I can help. It’s a Heart Thang offers a personalized life coach service to help you get back on track. Perhaps you’re struggling with your mental health, or you have goals but no idea how to achieve them? I can offer one-to-one sessions in St. Petersburg or over the phone on +1727-906-7542 to help you work through your problems and look to the future...

Oprah Winfrey, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Serena Williams are just a few of the celebrities who claim a life coach has changed their lives. But it’s not just the famous who can benefit. Business owners, managers, start-ups, and homemakers can all take advantage of my services to help them achieve their goals. Don’t struggle on your own when you can get what you want out of life in a fraction of the time with the support and tools of a skilled...
Whether it’s business or personal goals that you’re desperate to achieve, look no further. With a life coach, you can stop putting up with annoyances that are getting you down, create momentum to help you achieve results, set better goals, and free up more time or energy. From your first appointment, I will help you feel much better about life and capable of making a change for the better.


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Reviews (from the heart)

Tiffany Hollins

 I came to Transformation AcadeME from Manifest University. Which I initially wasn't going to join I figured there may be some knowledge there that I need for my growth. So, I joined, and I was excited Brian the Manifest Mentor spoke, my soul literally cried out for what this man was feeding us. I made sure to tell him. So, he invited me to join MU. I did, see I grew up believing love and vulnerability were weaknesses. 1 thing he mentioned was needed to find a Manifest partner. This was my first-time hearing of a manifest partner. He tells me immediately Sierra!! The one I call Deacon Clark is your manifest partner. So, I put myself in the vulnerable space to ask her and of course she said Yes. We connected and I felt like she was a kindred spirit. A week later at manifest fest I heard her say " Forget yo feeling" and my soul sat up straight. I immediately messaged her and told her don't hesitate to tell me "Forget yo feelings". She laughed and said will do. The last day of Manifest Fest, Sierra (my new Heart Coach spoke to us, and then I understood why Brian paired me with her. As she spoke it was like she was a mirror, reflecting my life and my story..... yet she wasn't. She was whole, healed and ok. I connected with her even more, because I could see myself in who she USE TO BE. I was witnessing someone who was a proverbial PHOENIX. She had been where I'm at she had my thoughts, felt my pain, and was using all it! This was beautiful to see, which means I too I'm stronger than I could have ever imagined to be. See I knew I wanted to be healed and whole, but honestly could not fathom what that would or could look like. Yet Sierra, was the example of what I can only explain as the light at the end of a very dark tunnel. Sierra is truly a lighthouse; my darkness didn't stand a chance! https://youtu.be/74RQC2o6ROg

Jan 16, 2022
Flower Yisra’EL

From our heart talks, thank you for helping me re-discover that my mind is powerful enough as it is. Its's all in my (heart choices) decisions!

Jan 16, 2022
Eliza Burgess

What I love about the JKB Collection is that even being over 60 I can buy something that is not so revealing. It's sometimes hard to by clothing now a days that covers you up and still make you feel good. The product feels soft to touch and when I put it on. It's nice and stretchy, and comfy.https://youtu.be/l4_jKBNydkk  

Jan 16, 2022


Behind The Heart
Heart Message

It's A Heart Thang presents, Transformation AcadeMe this space was manifested with you on our hearts. Here at Transformation AcadeMe, our mission is t... Learn more

The GardIN Blog (T.G.B)

Welcome to T.G.B The GradIN Blog. Is for your growth and expansion. T.G.B is a Podcast subscription to receiving (Free Water) words of encouragement a... Learn more

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Life experiencs This is what certifies me to host this ... Learn more


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