
Behind The Heart
Heart Message

It's A Heart Thang presents, Transformation AcadeMe this space was manifested with you on our hearts. Here at Transformation AcadeMe, our mission is to show you who you are fully capable of being.

 Not by telling you how to do thangs but by showing you the example of those things. Our studies have proven that transforming the heART of self-communication, will transform the way you have seen things. 

Their words might have hurt, but it's your words that change the narrative.

 Here, you will be reminded of things you already know. That will allow you to tap into the power on the inside of you. 

Words do have power, don't take my word for it, listen to yours. 

Your ART of self-communication will transform the way you see and think about yourself.

Your Heart Coach will never ask you to do something I haven't done myself. (check my track record) I will exhort you and cheer for you. 

Never have a struggle again, turn all that you’ve considered as a heartbreak, hardship, bad experience, and ugly outcome into the opportunity you’ve been waiting.

The GardIN Blog (T.G.B)

Welcome to T.G.B The GradIN Blog. Is for your growth and expansion. T.G.B is a Podcast subscription to receiving (Free Water) words of encouragement and empowerment. The GardIN Blog 

Where you're being watered, so you are expected to grow!

The GardIN is an intentional space designed with you in mind. A space that allows us to cultivate the grounds we live on. 

Granting us the opportunity to stay (not get) ready, to experience new and even better manifestations. I will show and inspire you how to daily water these intentions so that they are clear and heard by the Universe. 

 In the process of being WATERED, you'll see yourself bloom in ways and aeras of your life you (you thought were dead) never imagined. I've enjoyed working on my energy and raising my vibrations even higher. Let's give yourself permission to appreciate all things, use it as fertilizer for your soil... and (grow) Bloom Queen. 

Read this part out loud, for your sake. SAY IT, LIKE YOU MEAN IT..... I lack nothing, all that I need lives on the INSIDE of me. I release my pass and I walk freely into my future, unapologetically, fearlessly and with courage. I am open to my new inspirations I trust my intuition to guide me when I feel uncertain. I invite peace and harmony in all my relationships I am balanced in all areas of my life. I can't and shouldn't give what I'm not giving myself. 

"The Only Way Out Is In"

G. grounded

A. acceptance

R. reflection

D. detach

I. Internal

N. natural

To Bloom Or Not To Bloom Is A Choice.


The GardIN is a space, that you come to be what we call WATERED.










Hearts Talk Podcast

Hearts Talk Available on 6 platforms>

 I know a thing or two. This is what certifies me to host this show. Now I'm on a mission to hear the remedies, recipes, and solutions other individuals found in their way from struggle to opportunity. 

 Leave equip with self-antidotes for daily clarity and wealth. 

Book to be invited on the Podcast so I can serve you with my unique skills, and let you know what your heart is saying. 

Come Beat With Me!

 Life get's messy and scary, I would love it if our hearts could talk